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What makes Israeli startups the best in the world?

Israel has already established its reputation as the startup nation – the percentage of startup companies per person in Israel is the highest in the world and the number of successful investments/exits made by Israelis is like no other nation in the world - but why is that the case?

The true is nobody really know… it’s probably a unique mix of circumstances such as being a small country in a conflicted area, the mandatory army service, the national ethos of surviving the holocaust, the Jewish mom cliche’ and maybe even the weather - whatever the reason is - it doesn’t really matter: Israelis are probably better built for startup life than most people…

But what if you’re not Israeli?

You could make “Aliya” (immigration to Israel has its own name…), join the army and be adopted by someone who happen to be Jewish. And then, after a few years maybe you’ll be a little bit closer to understanding the Israeli way of thinking. But it’s so expensive, time consuming and uncomfortable and all you really wanted was to help boost your startup company… is there really no easier way to make your startup more “Israeli” – to tap into the startup nation’s advantages and mind set without actually becoming an Israeli yourself?

Yes, there is! Now you can rent it!

We at TechNinja help your startup (no matter what size or at what stage it is) to get that special cutting edge that made us wright this stupid presentation in the first place (hey! Made you read it!).

TechNinja is our startup – a team of experienced Israeli professionals from different aspects of the industry giving your start up a marketing and business savvy complete consulting solution designed for one goal: winning!

Check out our website, Facebook/LinkedIn page of simply Give us a call at 972-50-7672122 and we would love to come and meet you!

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